Biography of Bill Gates 


Full name. _William Henry Gates

Property _ 90 billionUSD

Every day income_102cr{Caroro}

World's richest man

DOB. _28october1955

birth place. _Siyetal{Washington}
Father's job. _lawyer

It is believed that Bill Gates would make him selfa
separate country,then he would be the 37th richest
country in the world.If the property of BillGates is
dividede qually,then each person's account will have

{If you were born in a poor family the it is not your fault,but if you live poorly and die then this
is your biggest mistake =BillGates

BillGates was born on October28,1955 in the city of Washington's Sheattle.BillGates's father
was afamous lawyer at the time.His parents wanted to see his future as an advocate or a judge,
but Bill was very interested in computer since childhood.His early education took place at
Lakeside School.In this school,children were given sometime to run computers.That is why Bill
Gates's interestin computer shas increased.She wanted to know how it works.
Having a computer's basic information,created a tic ta toe program in the  computer's
language.It was a game.There was a special thing in it that this game alone could play with a
computer.For this,they did not need 2 people.In school time,he met PaulAllen.Who was 2years
senior to them.
Both of these ideas were met,but the nature did not get there.PaulAllen was very shy and
calm.But the bills were off law less nature.Bill and his friends used to spend more than class
hour since a computer class.That's why the school stopped him and his friend from going to the
computer lab. But on one condition they were allowed to come here to get error from the
computer program. At the  sametime, Gates created an other program that used to working the
school's timetable schedule. In1970,at the age of 15,Bill and Ellen joined together to create
an other program that monitors traffic patterns of the city.
He received a total of $20000 for this program.This was his first income.In 1973, passed from
Lakeside School and Itook admission in Howard School.But in1975,he quit college without
graduation and started paying attention to the company.vMicrosoft was registered on November
26,1976 as a company. And at the sametime the company took the top position.The bill says
that there is no place for children in their property, although they have given good education to
the bills. But they will have to find them selves by way of income.
Bill donates crores of rupees every year.
【If mistakes happen to everyone, but try to improve those mistakes, then you can succeed.】

Bill played alot  in Monopoly and The Risk games in
childhood. Observing the success of these two
games, winning the whole world. Bill wanted to win
all of them. When Bill started school, the United
States reached the Nilearmstrong and his
companions on the Moon. All this was possibled
to computer But computers were verye xpensive and
expensive at the  time. And many people were
required to run the computer. At that time the school
did not even want to buy the computer.But the Shital
Company contacted the Lakesyite School and
provided a computer in free to teach children.
Bill got the biggest change in his life when PaulAllen
moved to Boston and brought a mazine for the bill in
which a minicomputer was written about
ALTAIR8800.Bothofthemunderstoodthat the time
of personal computers is coming soon.Ade Robert
(owner of ALTAIR) was looking for people who could
write software for that computer.

Paul Allen and Bill went to him (Ede Roberts) and
certified them that it was the same people they
wanted. Both of them wrote the first software by
working hard for two  months a day. When he went to
show Edde Robert to. the software,he worked. At the
age of 19,BillGates collaborated with PaulAllen to
start a company Microsoft. At that time,he became
so busy with  the company that he left Howard
College. At that time,gig hackers  had started stolen
software from Microsoft.Bill then wrote to the legal
letter to every hacker  that they would have to pay the
software like hardware ,or else they would take legal
At that time the largest company IBM was going to
create personal computer .And the company was
looking for some one to write code for their
operating system. Bill convinced  IBM  CEO that he
could write this code.But instead of making the
 software,he bought an Adjesting software in 50000
dollars,which was named MSDOS.
IBM wanted to sell the bills full software to the.

But Bill said tha tifhe put the software in the
computer,he would have to pay a license fee.And
other companie sals oneededsoftware,so they sold
any software.
When Microsoft was go in gto the heights,PaulAllen
(CoFounder)was diagnosed with cancer.The bills
remained a lone in1984.In1986,a Microsoft window
was introduced which was a user interface.Any
person can run a computer using a mouse.
It was similar to Apple's MACENTO Soperating
system,for which Apple had filedan FIR against


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